Kite Scores
Risograph publication series. (2016/7)
1903, May 6, Wednesday At Conn Ave.
Area of 100 cm. triangle = 4330.000
Area of 50 cm. triangles = 1082.500
Area of 25 cm. triangles = 270.625
Grammes per Square metre. 25 cm. Cell. 50 cm. 50 cm. Cell. 100 cm. Cell. 100 5.4125
21.65 86.60 200 10.8250 43.30 173.20 300 16.2375 64.95 259.80 400 21.6500 86.60
346.40 500 27.0625 108.25 433.00 600 32.4750 129.90 519.60 700 37.8875 151.55
606.20 800 43.3000 173.20 692.80 900 48.7125 194.85 779.40 1000 54.1250 216.50
~ From Alexander Graham Bell’s notebooks. Library of Congress.
Kite Scores was a monthly publication series to accompany Accidental Flight, a multi-modal public sculpture, performance, and publication series that explores the aesthetic, conceptual, corporeal/somatic and transcendent aspects of flight, invention, technology and collaboration. Commissioned for the Emerging Artist Fellowship at Socrates Sculpture Park, the piece pairs a monumental public sculpture based on the triangular-trussed kites built by Alexander Graham Bell with a monthly publication of kite patterns (“scores”) for visitors to Socrates Park to take away or download from the park’s website, assemble in public workshops, and fly.
Kite Scores functioned as research footnotes, containing both historic texts and commissioned pieces by a number of contributors on topics ranging from solar power, climate change, collaboration, the kite as an internationalist/utopian “flag to no nation,” and flight as an escape path.
Click here to download PDFs of KiteScores, released through the Socrates site.